About Us
Sh. Satish Singh
(Chairman )
We dream for betterment. This dream comes from experience that we have had in the past. I too had a dream to provide children with a school that would be like a whiff of fresh air in this suffocating world. Every thing about ‘St. Anthony's High School’ is fresh, right from its name, to the facilities, to the style of teaching and ambiance. I hope our school will help many to realize their dreams too and that is our dream."
Vice Principal
(Vice Principal)
It is a great honor and a privilege to be the Principal of Gyanodaya Public School , the school that stands for excellence, perfection and continuously sets the highest standards in all the field of education. It has withstood the changes of time and approaches in the education sector. The school is guided by commitment to excellence providing a distinct intellectual, social, moral and physical environment to stimulate the students to bring out their potential. As future belongs to the learners, the school is proud of providing an academic complex with congenial learning environment composed of latest educational techniques and global focus. The school also lays greater emphasis on the overall development of the personality of the students. The school, for the development of latest faculties of the students, provides them counseling in selecting the appropriate types of vocational courses suiting to their aptitude. It also provides financial and other help to the students belonging to families of the weaker sections of the society. By the dint of hard work put in by students, the teaching and non-teaching staff and the valuable guidance of the Managing Committee the school has achieved land mark success in a period of 18 years. We look forward towards greater challenges and greater responsibilities to train the youth to save the humanity and the nation."
Our School is a progressive, co-educational, English medium institution situated in a pollution free, eco-friendly environment, and state-of-the-art infrastructures for perfect grooming of the children. Highly qualified, experienced, dedicated and result-oriented staff helps in the overall development of the children.A dynamic approach towards education in accordance with the changing needs maximum participation of individual leading to excellent efficiency.
Principal Message
It is a great honour and a privilege to be the Principal of Gyanodaya Public school, the school that stands for excellence, perfection and continuously sets the highest standards in all the field of education. It has withstood the changes of time and approaches in the education sector. The school is guided by commitment to excellence providing a distinct intellectual, social, moral and physical environment to stimulate the students to bring out their potential.
As future belongs to the learners, the school is proud of providing an academic complex with congenial learning environment composed of latest educational techniques and global focus. The school also lays greater emphasis on the overall development of the personality of the students. The school, for the development of latest faculties of the students, provides them counseling in selecting the appropriate types of vocational courses suiting to their aptitude. It also provides financial and other help to the students belonging to families of the weaker sections of the society. By the dint of hard work put in by students, the teaching and non-teaching staff and the valuable guidance of the Managing Committee the school has achieved land mark success in a period of 18 years.
We look forward towards greater challenges and greater responsibilities to train the youth to save the humanity and the nation.
The Act makes it mandatory for every child between the ages of 6-14 to be provided for education by the State. This means that such child does not have to pay a single penny as regards books, uniforms etc too.
Any time of the academic year, a child can go to a school and demand that this right be respected.
Private education institutions have to reserve 25% of their seats starting from class I in 2011 to disadvantaged students.
Strict criteria for the qualification of teachers.
Each student's participation has been made inevitable. It may leading the class, conducting Morning Assembly, helping the elders, juniors and others. House-activities with House Incharges, House Captains as a team. Leading to build and learn team-work.
An Educlinic for learning and success
School Facilities
Emphasis on spoken English and personality development.
Music classes - Vocal and Instrumental.
Spoken English and Cursive Hand-writing by language experts.
Martial Art Classes and Training under the aegis of a National Coach.
Time to time students' performance reviews with individual student and respective parent.
-->Hygienic, filtered using R.O. Plant process Drinking Water.
-->Transport Facility